GAIA’s founder, inventor and enthusiast Åke Rosén, has been awarded the City of Helsingborg’s environmental award for 2017. The award is shared with the Food Cooperative, a local initiative to offer locally produced and organic food. It was announced on Tuesday morning in a press release.
The jury, consisting of the presidium of the Environment Committee and the City Planning Board, as well as the City Environment Director, City Planning Director and Business Director, explains the appointment as follows:
“Åke’s mission in life is to constantly develop climate-smart materials for packaging in the food industry and to offer the global market more sustainable packaging solutions.”
The award ceremony took place on Wednesday and Åke Rosén was, understandably, both proud and happy about the prize: “It is said that you never become a prophet in your hometown but here I stand, with an award for my work to improve the environment from my own home town. Now, it would be far from me to look at myself as a prophet, but the one who coined the expression clearly did not have Helsingborg in mind. ”
Though Åke Rosén is very pleased to be recognized for his work, it’s not what’s motivating him to continue:
“We must remove the plastic from our lives and use as little as possible from Earth’s resources. We need to replace fossil fuels with renewable raw materials that can be transformed into renewable energy. If everyone were to live as we do in Helsingborg we would need three Earths – it’s scary and unsustainable.
With our biodegradable and renewable biomaterial Biodolomer®, we will not only remove the plastic from our lives; we will also be able to close the loop in the circular economy, something we work on in the “Biodolomer for Life” project, which is jointly run together with NSR and the municipality of Båstad, with support from the EU’s LIFE program. ”
The City of Helsingborg’s environmental award was established in 2008 in order to stimulate the environmental commitment of the city’s residents, organizations and companies.
The “Biodolomer® for Life” project is focused on closing the loop in the circular economy through the introduction of Biodolomer® – a fully biodegradable biomaterial – and is part of the EUs LIFE program; the financial instrument supporting environmental, nature conservation and climate action projects throughout the EU.
This publication is produced with the contribution of the LIFE programme of the European Union. It reflects only the author’s view and the Agency/Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Read more about “Biodolomer® for Life” here:
Read more about LIFE here:
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